
Jo Gyte

Key Contact

Jo Gyte, Partner

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Manage and access documents anywhere, any time with our secure online meeting tool.

How we can help

focalPOINT is a secure online document library and meeting manager, designed to help protect your information whilst running more efficient meetings. focalPoint works as a document library. It stores all your meeting documents securely online, with user permissions to grant or restrict access to sensitive documents. A complete archive of scheme documents can be accessed at any time. It also works as a meeting manager, allowing you to organise meetings easily and create a virtual meeting pack at the click of a button, including documents, agendas, location and attendees.

What are the benefits

focalPOINT is constantly evolving to accommodate the increasing shift to moving online. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Easy and simple to use – designed with the user in mind
  • Secure online access - reduces the risk of theft or loss of paper copies
  • Better version control - users have access to the most up-to-date version of scheme documents
  • Efficient decision-making - attendees arrive organised with their downloaded meeting packs
  • Ability to go paperless – access meeting packs electronically to save money, and the planet

I really value how focalPOINT keeps our schemes’ documents secure and in one place. It is an extremely useful tool for meeting management, particularly for the virtual trustee meetings we’re having at the moment – we were able to adapt to the impact of COVID-19 very seamlessly and without needing to be paper-based.

I see electronic meeting packs as the direction of travel for more and more trustee boards, and focalPOINT is a great tool to help achieve this.

Bryan Kerr

Independent Professional Trustee

DB and DC Governance

With governance standards for UK pension schemes increasing find out how we can help

Whether it’s complying with 21st century Trusteeship requirements, regulatory codes and rules, or support with oversight or governance committees, trustees and employers need to seek ways to run their scheme well and achieve better outcomes for their members. Find out more about our Defined Benefit Governance or our Defined Contribution Governance services.

Get in touch

To discuss how we can help you, please contact your usual Hymans Robertson consultant or our governance experts, Laura or Joanne.

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