
Chelsea Douglas shares her perspective

What inclusion means to me

17 Aug 2021 - Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

The Oxford English Dictionary defines inclusion as: the practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalised, such as those who have physical or intellectual disabilities and members of other minority groups.

There’s stereotypical behaviour present in society today that disabled people, particularly with physical disabilities, are de-humanised and become objectified. I have lost count of the amount of times I’m often referred to as “the wheelchair user” rather than Chelsea. People see the object before the person, and it shouldn’t be this way. 

To me, inclusion is a two-way approach. The first is providing individual/s with a sense of belonging where they can be themselves and be effective in their roles without having to worry about struggling to “fit in” to the environment around them. It's also about seeing the qualities & passion within an individual and providing them with the support to flourish instead of using our unconscious bias to focus on the barriers/challenges one might face.

My favourite saying that I used to use a lot was, “my legs might not work but my brain functions fine”

But on the other hand, it’s also important that resources are available for our colleagues to utilise and educate themselves, and those around them, to meet both ends of the inclusive approach.

In my past experience, a lot of employers will write on paper that they have an inclusive, supportive environment but once you get in the door you’ll be challenged daily to prove that you are capable of performing your daily duties because they think that employees with disabilities will be incapable of performing within their roles.

My favourite saying that I used to use a lot was “my legs might not work but my brain functions fine”

Hymans Robertson is a unique employer. In my view, they are one of very few employers that really do have an inclusive environment, that allows you to be yourself. And they are celebrating this throughout their 100th birthday.

To read about our D&I vision click here and to find out what inclusion means to more of our colleagues click here.

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