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Showing 1-15 of 63 Results
Risk transfer
One of the biggest decisions for trustees and sponsors of UK pension schemes is knowing if, when, and how to transfer risk to an insurer or alternative provider.
Climate change and net zero consulting
We help clients move beyond regulatory requirements to focus on action that helps them understand and mitigate climate and nature-related risks.
DB member options
The concept of retirement is changing and members are now more engaged in deciding how, and when, to access their valuable defined benefits.
DB governance
Trustees are under increasing pressure to meet regulatory demands as governance standards for UK pension schemes evolve.
Buy-out and wind-up transition services
For many defined benefit pension schemes, the end of the journey is in sight. The next milestone is to secure member benefits and wind-up the scheme.
Economic scenario service
The ESS is a suite of advanced mathematical models designed to help you make business decisions.
Project and implementation management
Where do you start with large scale transformational change? When there are lots of moving parts to consider, it’s time to call on the experts.
Responsible investment
Responsible investment can be a catalyst for positive change in an uncertain world.
Insurance Investment and ALM
Investment decisions and asset liability management (ALM) strategies are central to gain a competitive edge, deliver profits and manage risk and capital.
Investment research
A diverse, knowledgeable team, recognised as industry subject matter experts.
DB investment consulting
We work with clients to build resilient strategies that meet their needs with certainty. The result is the right assets in the right place to pay each benefit with confidence.
DC investment
A well-thought through, carefully executed investment strategy is fundamental to create better outcomes for defined contribution scheme members.
Digital wealth
We help financial services companies deliver better customer outcomes through digital engagement.
Asset managers and providers
We offer insights and support to enable asset managers effectively and sustainably participate in the UK defined contribution workplace pension market.
Outcomes-based modelling APIs integrate with clients’ own web and mobile applications to build meaningful customer engagement.

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