
Comment on the Ignition House report ‘Value Matters — But Show Me the Pension Charges I Pay’

19 Oct 2021

Commenting on the Ignition House report ‘Value Matters — But Show Me the Pension Charges I Pay’ published today, Laura Andrikopoulos, Head of DC Governance says:

“The Ignition House report launched today provides an illuminating insight into members’ views on the costs and charges in DC pension schemes. The key findings show that members fully appreciate that value is more than headline costs and charges and that it is outcomes at retirement that really matter when comparing schemes rather than a simple focus on charges – although it is very important members understand exactly what these charges are and consist of. The research also highlights that members expect their employers to scrutinise provider provision and continue to push for maximum value for their employees; this is the crucial task of any Governance Committee overseeing outsourced provision and a continuing focus for trustees.”

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