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The Decumulation market: opportunities for providers

18 Oct 2022

The decline of Defined Benefit (DB) pensions, coupled with the introduction of pensions freedoms in April 2015, leaves an ever-increasing number of individuals with important decisions to make regarding their Defined Contribution (DC) pots which will likely form their main source of income in retirement.

Unfortunately, many individuals will find it difficult to navigate the decision-making process of using these pots to manage the needs and risks they face in retirement. The problem here is further compounded by the lack of effective guidance and available advice, even for those willing and able to afford to pay which many are not.

Download our report, where we bring together insights from our consumer research and our industry knowledge to look at the following areas:

  • The current pensions market landscape: what are the products and choices available to individuals today?
  • What impact does the current economic environment have on retirement decision-making?
  • How could product innovation assist individuals in this market?
  • How are people currently engaging with their pensions and what is being done to try and increase this?
  • The retirement planning advice landscape.
  • How the use of digital journeys can help with engagement and assist individuals in making choices towards better retirement outcomes.
  • The focus of regulators in this area.

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We hope you find our report insightful. If you have any questions about any of the subject matter covered, or would like to find out how our dedicated team of life insurance consultants can help you, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

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