
2022 LGPS National Knowledge Assessment Report

18 Jan 2023

We’re delighted to share the results from the 2022 National Knowledge Assessment (NKA). This is the second national assessment we’ve conducted and follows on from the 2020 assessment.

The goal of the assessment remains unchanged – to provide insight into the level of knowledge and skills of LGPS Committee and Pension Board members. Analysis is provided on an individual, group collective, local fund and national level to all LGPS funds. You can download the results now

Our key findings 

  • Increased knowledge in Governance and Administration - topic areas, Administration, Governance and Actuarial methods, standards and practices have seen improved average scores from the 2020 assessment. 
  • Engagement is improving - overall engagement for the 2022 assessment was 73% compared to 61% from the 2020 assessment.
  • The right people have their hands on the wheel - encouragingly, knowledge levels of the Chairs are notably higher in most areas than those of other Committee and Pension Board members.
  • Knowledge spread - collective knowledge at LGPS funds is good and demonstrates robustness within current governance arrangements.

What should funds do next?

  1. Ensure that they have detailed, and targeted training plans in place, and that attendance at training and development sessions is recorded and monitored for each individual member in the training log.
  2. Assess the tools available to support with training delivery.
  3. Consider ways of maintaining and increasing the engagement of both the Board and Committee. This could include providing them with more information, training materials, briefing notes, newsletters etc.
  4. Ensure that the Fund’s training strategy is up to date and appropriate for purpose.

Watch our webinar on-demand, where Susan Black is joined by Andrew McKerns, Alan Johnson and Nick Gannon, Policy Delivery Lead from The Pensions Regulator. Our experts shared their insights and analysis on the main findings from our assessment.

The assessment remains open, please get in contact to discuss how your Fund can still take part and tap into the wealth of benchmarking information available.

We hope you find this report insightful. If you would like to discuss any of our findings further, please do get in touch.

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