The way people engage with financial services information is changing. Across banking, insurance and other services, digital access to information and administration services is becoming the norm. At Hymans Robertson LLP, our webservices provide our customers with access to seamless, secure and intuitive self-service technology.

Our digital pension administration tools are split across three applications: a publicly available scheme site with helpful information for your members, a secure member site, and a client hub for Trustees and Employers. Together they offer your members a fully digital, self-service option to manage their pension 24/7 and you and your representatives the functionality to run your scheme more efficiently and cost effectively.

As digital as you and your members want it to be. 

Scheme website

To host scheme information, general guidance, and Scheme documents for your membership:

  • Helping Trustees comply with disclosure requirements
  •  Member access to helpful pensions information (for example, Q&As, scam advice and jargon busters)
  • Meet your DEI targets – providing a paperless, carbon neutral communication method to your membership
  • Reduces need for member communication exercises

Learn more about PRISM

Get in contact to arrange a demonstration, and to learn more about how PRISM could benefit your members, and provide them with a fully digital, self-service option to manage their pension digitally 24/7.


Member site

Ensuring your members are in the know - everything they need is at the touch of a button 24/7. State-of-the-art technology ensures members benefits are protected; access requires multi factor authentication registration and secure log-in every time.

  •  Flexible member communication – 24/7 access to their pension information
  • Real time updates to personal information – updates are sent straight to administration system improving scheme data quality – improves overall health of scheme data and ease of adhering to industry requirements, such as dashboard. Potential cost savings where you can evidence data quality to insurers.
  •  Unlimited access to retirement income modelling – members receive instant estimates of benefits available to them at retirement
  •  Submit requests for quotes and queries direct to your administration team – instant and flexible communication to suit your members’ needs
  • Transfer Value illustrations via a regular data feed straight from your actuary
  • Unlimited and real time retirement quotes, saving members time and assisting them with their retirement decisions

Client Hub

For Trustees and employers – a reporting dashboard with secure access to member records for employers

  • GDPR compliant access to member details
  • Reduces requests to administration team as Trustees can view membership summary and key membership engagement statistics with our online tools
  • Working with you and your members to inform future developments

  • Giving greater control and better insight for all

  • Webservices tailored to your Scheme

  • Core web-functionality part of our administration offering – add-ons to suit your needs available

Get in touch

Join us on our journey to digital first pension administration

If you want to know more, please contact your usual Hymans Robertson consultant or get in touch with Gillian Bell.